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Seed of Change

Seed of change is a project aimed to reinforce the role of young people with fewer opportunities in their access to social rights by the means of non-formal education has been launched throughout the eight cities around the globe. One among the eight cities, Kathmandu also had its inception of the project from the September.


It is funded with the support of the European Commission. This project is launched globally throughout eight countries four countries from European continent consisting of host country Italy, Spain, Lithuania and Greece and four countries from other corner of the world consisting Nepal, Argentina, Kenya and Colombia.


The project focuses specially on urban youth with fewer opportunities and from disadvantaged background empowering them by the non formal education with their active participation in different activities like Gymkhana comprising, active video research, traditional games, access to job workshop, art workshop, advocacy campaign, peer education and international youth meeting.


With the theme of empowering disadvantaged youth by the non-formal education, aware them about their social rights in a participatory approach and activity based research, seed of change is seeking for the change in disadvantaged youth of Nepal. Worldwide Nepalese Students Organization Nepal had undertaken the responsibilities for this project for the Nepalese disadvantaged youth.


It will call for 20 main participants under the age of 15-20 years from different disadvantaged neighbourhood to carry out the activities designed for them. Along side this project not only aims to empower few youth but also could benefit the society and community with 331 other indirect beneficiaries, as they will be participating in various activities along with the participants benefitting the community to realise about the opportunity and equality for all.


This project provides an opportunity to one Nepalese youth to have an international voluntary service in Greece for one month as a youth exchange program and will be sharing inter culture exchange and youth practices. Also, it has provided an opportunity for four youth and one youth worker to attend the international youth meeting to be held in Palermo, Italy at the end of the project to represent their country.


Seed of change is comprised with the intention to contribute recommendations regarding the youth policies, in the way non formal education contribute to awareness and fulfilment of social rights for young people from disadvantaged background to the government of Nepal. It also lights on the development of the good practice guide as an outcome and experience of the gymkhana activities.


It expects to sow seed of change and create differences in the lives of people; also it yields four major products as good practice guide on gymkhana, video on social rights, photo album about the entire project to disseminate in the public and recommendations to the government about youth policy.


It has a participatory approach towards the youth indulgence to aware their social rights, fight against poverty and exclusion and to make them actors of change to make equal society which can guarantees their social rights in any social and economical crisis.


Nepal under the political instability and fresh in federalism and public consciousness has not been able to execute the guarantee of social rights, neither it has been able to channelize the disadvantaged youth as skilled manpower of the country. A void has been created to achieve their dreams and their reality. Thus this projects aims at least to aware and empower fewer urban youths from the disadvantaged background uplifting their personal status in terms of ability, skill and social rights.

Call For Participation_Seed of Change : Click Here

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Status: Closed

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